Does Barrier KVM work on Apple Silicon?

โœณ๏ธ Yes, works via Rosetta 2 translation

May also be known as Barrier or barrier

๐Ÿ“š Bundle Version History


๐Ÿ”ถ App has not yet been reported to be native to Apple Silicon
๐Ÿ–ฅ Supported Architectures X86
Full Info Plist
  "CFBundleDevelopmentRegion": "English",
  "CFBundleDisplayName": "Barrier",
  "CFBundleExecutable": "barrier",
  "CFBundleIconFile": "Barrier.icns",
  "CFBundleIdentifier": "barrier",
  "CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion": "6.0",
  "CFBundleName": "Barrier",
  "CFBundlePackageType": "APPL",
  "CFBundleSignature": "SYN1",
  "CFBundleShortVersionString": "2.3.3-release",
  "CFBundleVersion": "2.3.3-release",
  "NSPrincipalClass": "NSApplication",
  "NSHighResolutionCapable": "True",
  "NSHumanReadableCopyright": "ยฉ 2018 Debauchee Open Source Group",
  "LSMinimumSystemVersion": "10.9.0"
Full Meta Details
  "fileSize": 3.3414077758789062,
  "architectures": [
      "bits": "64-bit",
      "fileType": "Demand Paged Executable File",
      "header": {
        "magic": 3489328638,
        "cputype": 7,
        "cpusubtype": 3,
        "filetype": 2,
        "ncmds": 28,
        "sizeofcmds": 4088,
        "flags": [
          "The object file has no undefined references and is executable.",
          "The object file is the input for the dynamic linker and can not be staticly link edited again.",
        "reserved": 0
      "loadCommandsInfo": [
          "description": 4277009103,
          "size": 524291,
          "offset": " 0x0"
          "description": 524291,
          "size": 28,
          "offset": " 0x8"
          "description": 28,
          "size": 2195589,
          "offset": " 0x10"
          "description": 2195589,
          "size": 25,
          "offset": " 0x18"
          "description": "64-bits Segment Load Command",
          "size": 1095786335,
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          "description": 1095786335,
          "size": 20306,
          "offset": " 0x28"
          "description": 0,
          "size": 25,
          "offset": " 0x60"
          "description": "64-bits Segment Load Command",
          "size": 1163157343,
          "offset": " 0x68"
      "magic": "cffaedfe",
      "offset": "0",
      "processorSubType": 3,
      "processorType": "X86"