Does Capture One work on Apple Silicon?

✅ Yes, Native Apple Silicon Support as of v14.2.0

May also be known as Capture One 21, Captureone Captureone14, Capture One, Capture One 22, or Captureone Captureone15

📚 Bundle Version History


✅ Yes, Native Apple Silicon Support
🖥 Supported Architectures X86, ARM
Full Info Plist
  "BASE_PRODUCT_NAME": "Capture One",
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  "NSAppleEventsUsageDescription": "Capture One sometimes requires control of other applications indirectly for scripts that you run within it.",
  "NSAppleScriptEnabled": true,
  "NSCalendarsUsageDescription": "Capture One doesn’t need access to your Calendar. This alert is caused by accessing your Library folder.",
  "NSContactsUsageDescription": "Capture One doesn’t need access to your Contacts. This alert is caused by accessing your Library folder.",
  "NSHumanReadableCopyright": "Copyright © 1995-2021, Capture One A/S. All rights reserved.",
  "NSMainNibFile": "MainMenu",
  "NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription": "Capture One requires photos library access in order to support the tethering functionality. This alert may also be caused by Capture One accessing your Library folder.",
  "NSPrincipalClass": "Application",
  "NSRemindersUsageDescription": "Capture One doesn’t need access to your Reminders. This alert is caused by accessing your Library folder.",
  "NSRemovableVolumesUsageDescription": "Capture One requires removable volume access in order to support the tethering functionality. You may need to restart Capture One for this setting to take effect.",
  "NSUserNotificationAlertStyle": "alert",
  "OSAScriptingDefinition": "CaptureOne.sdef",
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  "PhaseOneBuildAboutPlanName": "14.2.0",
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  "PhaseOneBuildDate": "2021-05-21T11:20:49.059+02:00",
  "PhaseOneBuildNumber": "136",
  "PhaseOneBuildProductVersion": "14.2.0",
  "RecipesFolderVersion": "142",
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Full Meta Details
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✅ Yes, Native Apple Silicon Support
🖥 Supported Architectures X86, ARM
Full Info Plist
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  "NSAppleEventsUsageDescription": "Capture One sometimes requires control of other applications indirectly for scripts that you run within it.",
  "NSAppleScriptEnabled": true,
  "NSCalendarsUsageDescription": "Capture One doesn’t need access to your Calendar. This alert is caused by accessing your Library folder.",
  "NSContactsUsageDescription": "Capture One doesn’t need access to your Contacts. This alert is caused by accessing your Library folder.",
  "NSHumanReadableCopyright": "Copyright © 1995-2022, Capture One A/S. All rights reserved.",
  "NSMainNibFile": "MainMenu",
  "NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription": "Capture One requires photos library access in order to support the tethering functionality. This alert may also be caused by Capture One accessing your Library folder.",
  "NSPrincipalClass": "Application",
  "NSRemindersUsageDescription": "Capture One doesn’t need access to your Reminders. This alert is caused by accessing your Library folder.",
  "NSRemovableVolumesUsageDescription": "Capture One requires removable volume access in order to support the tethering functionality. You may need to restart Capture One for this setting to take effect.",
  "NSUserNotificationAlertStyle": "alert",
  "OSAScriptingDefinition": "CaptureOne.sdef",
  "PhaseOneBuildAboutBranchName": "",
  "PhaseOneBuildAboutPlanName": "15.3.1",
  "PhaseOneBuildBranchName": "release/15.3.1",
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  "PhaseOneBuildNumber": "15",
  "PhaseOneBuildProductVersion": "15.3.1",
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Full Meta Details
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✅ Yes, Native Apple Silicon Support
🖥 Supported Architectures X86, ARM
Full Info Plist
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  "NSAppleEventsUsageDescription": "Capture One sometimes requires control of other applications indirectly for scripts that you run within it.",
  "NSAppleScriptEnabled": true,
  "NSCalendarsUsageDescription": "Capture One doesn’t need access to your Calendar. This alert is caused by accessing your Library folder.",
  "NSContactsUsageDescription": "Capture One doesn’t need access to your Contacts. This alert is caused by accessing your Library folder.",
  "NSHumanReadableCopyright": "Copyright © 1995-2022, Capture One A/S. All rights reserved.",
  "NSMainNibFile": "MainMenu",
  "NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription": "Capture One requires photos library access in order to support the tethering functionality. This alert may also be caused by Capture One accessing your Library folder.",
  "NSPrincipalClass": "Application",
  "NSRemindersUsageDescription": "Capture One doesn’t need access to your Reminders. This alert is caused by accessing your Library folder.",
  "NSRemovableVolumesUsageDescription": "Capture One requires removable volume access in order to support the tethering functionality. You may need to restart Capture One for this setting to take effect.",
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