Does EagleFiler work on Apple Silicon?

๐Ÿ”ถ App has not yet been reported to be native to Apple Silicon

May also be known as EagleFiler or C-command EagleFiler

๐Ÿ“š Bundle Version History


๐Ÿ”ถ App has not yet been reported to be native to Apple Silicon
๐Ÿ–ฅ Supported Architectures X86
Full Info Plist
  "CFBundleDevelopmentRegion": "en",
  "CFBundleDisplayName": "EagleFiler",
  "CFBundleDocumentTypes": [
      "CFBundleTypeExtensions": [
      "CFBundleTypeIconFile": "Library.icns",
      "CFBundleTypeName": "com.c-command.eaglefiler.library",
      "CFBundleTypeRole": "Editor",
      "LSHandlerRank": "Owner",
      "LSItemContentTypes": [
      "LSTypeIsPackage": true,
      "NSDocumentClass": "LibraryDocument"
      "CFBundleTypeIconFile": "Library.icns",
      "CFBundleTypeName": "com.c-command.eaglefiler.contents",
      "CFBundleTypeOSTypes": [
      "CFBundleTypeRole": "None",
      "LSHandlerRank": "Owner",
      "LSItemContentTypes": [
      "CFBundleTypeExtensions": [
      "CFBundleTypeIconFile": "MailboxTableOfContents.icns",
      "CFBundleTypeName": "com.c-command.eaglefiler.mail.toc",
      "CFBundleTypeOSTypes": [
      "CFBundleTypeRole": "None",
      "LSHandlerRank": "Owner",
      "LSItemContentTypes": [
      "CFBundleTypeExtensions": [
      "CFBundleTypeIconFile": "Index.icns",
      "CFBundleTypeName": "com.c-command.eaglefiler.index",
      "CFBundleTypeOSTypes": [
      "CFBundleTypeRole": "None",
      "LSHandlerRank": "Owner",
      "LSItemContentTypes": [
      "CFBundleTypeExtensions": [
      "CFBundleTypeName": "com.c-command.eaglefiler.openwith",
      "CFBundleTypeOSTypes": [
      "CFBundleTypeRole": "Viewer",
      "LSHandlerRank": "Alternate",
      "LSItemContentTypes": [
      "CFBundleTypeExtensions": [
      "CFBundleTypeName": "com.c-command.eaglefiler.openwith.word",
      "CFBundleTypeOSTypes": [
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      "LSHandlerRank": "Alternate"
      "CFBundleTypeExtensions": [
      "CFBundleTypeName": "com.c-command.eaglefiler.importable",
      "CFBundleTypeRole": "Viewer",
      "LSHandlerRank": "None"
  "CFBundleExecutable": "EagleFiler",
  "CFBundleGetInfoString": "EagleFiler, Copyright 2002-2022 C-Command Software, LLC",
  "CFBundleHelpBookFolder": "EagleFiler Help",
  "CFBundleHelpBookName": "EagleFiler Help",
  "CFBundleIconFile": "EagleFiler.icns",
  "CFBundleIdentifier": "com.c-command.EagleFiler",
  "CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion": "6.0",
  "CFBundleName": "EagleFiler",
  "CFBundlePackageType": "APPL",
  "CFBundleShortVersionString": "1.9.7",
  "CFBundleSignature": "Wash",
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      "CFBundleURLName": "com.c-command.EagleFiler",
      "CFBundleURLSchemes": [
  "CFBundleVersion": "1907050",
  "ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption": false,
  "LSApplicationCategoryType": "",
  "LSHasLocalizedDisplayName": false,
  "LSMinimumSystemVersion": "10.12",
  "NSAppTransportSecurity": {
    "NSAllowsArbitraryLoads": true,
    "NSExceptionDomains": {
      "": {
        "NSExceptionRequiresForwardSecrecy": false
  "NSAppleEventsUsageDescription": "EagleFiler needs to control Finder to preserve your Spotlight comments when importing. It controls various other applications in order to access the items that youโ€™ve selected to capture. For more information, please see the โ€œSecurity & Privacy Accessโ€ section of the manual.",
  "NSAppleScriptEnabled": true,
  "NSContactsUsageDescription": "EagleFiler needs access to your address book to import the contacts that youโ€™ve selected.",
  "NSDesktopFolderUsageDescription": "If you create an EagleFiler library in your Desktop folder and then choose to re-open the library or have EagleFiler set to automatically re-open it, EagleFiler will need access to your Desktop folder in order to read and write the library.",
  "NSDocumentsFolderUsageDescription": "If you create an EagleFiler library in your Documents folder and then choose to re-open the library or have EagleFiler set to automatically re-open it, EagleFiler will need access to your Documents folder in order to read and write the library.",
  "NSDownloadsFolderUsageDescription": "If you create an EagleFiler library in your Downloads folder and then choose to re-open the library or have EagleFiler set to automatically re-open it, EagleFiler will need access to your Downloads folder in order to read and write the library.",
  "NSHumanReadableCopyright": "Copyright 2002-2022 C-Command Software, LLC. All rights reserved.",
  "NSMainNibFile": "MainMenu",
  "NSPrefersDisplaySafeAreaCompatibilityMode": false,
  "NSPrincipalClass": "MJTApplication",
  "NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance": false,
  "NSServices": [
      "NSKeyEquivalent": {
        "default": "!"
      "NSMenuItem": {
        "default": "EagleFiler: Import"
      "NSMessage": "importService",
      "NSPortName": "EagleFiler",
      "NSRequiredContext": {},
      "NSSendTypes": [
        "Apple Web Archive pasteboard type",
      "NSServiceDescription": "Import the text, URL, or file into the current EagleFiler library.",
      "NSUserData": ""
      "NSKeyEquivalent": {
        "default": "โ„"
      "NSMenuItem": {
        "default": "EagleFiler: Import With Options"
      "NSMessage": "importService",
      "NSPortName": "EagleFiler",
      "NSRequiredContext": {},
      "NSSendTypes": [
        "Apple Web Archive pasteboard type",
      "NSServiceDescription": "Import the text, URL, or file into the current EagleFiler library.",
      "NSUserData": "Ask"
  "NSSupportsAutomaticGraphicsSwitching": true,
  "OSAScriptingDefinition": "EagleFiler.sdef",
  "PyMainFileNames": [
  "PyOptions": {
    "alias": false,
    "argv_emulation": false,
    "emulate_shell_environment": false,
    "no_chdir": false,
    "prefer_ppc": false,
    "site_packages": false,
    "use_faulthandler": false,
    "use_pythonpath": false,
    "verbose": false
  "PyResourcePackages": [],
  "PyRuntimeLocations": [
  "PythonInfoDict": {
    "PythonExecutable": "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/",
    "PythonLongVersion": "2.7.16 (v2.7.16:413a49145e, Mar  2 2019, 14:32:10) \n[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.0 (clang-600.0.57)]",
    "PythonShortVersion": "2.7",
    "py2app": {
      "alias": false,
      "template": "app",
      "version": "0.19"
  "UTExportedTypeDeclarations": [
      "UTTypeConformsTo": [
      "UTTypeDescription": "EagleFiler Library",
      "UTTypeIconFile": "Library.icns",
      "UTTypeIdentifier": "com.c-command.eaglefiler.library",
      "UTTypeTagSpecification": {
        "public.filename-extension": [
      "UTTypeConformsTo": [
      "UTTypeDescription": "EagleFiler Library Contents",
      "UTTypeIconFile": "Library.icns",
      "UTTypeIdentifier": "com.c-command.eaglefiler.contents",
      "UTTypeTagSpecification": {
        "": [
      "UTTypeConformsTo": [
      "UTTypeDescription": "EagleFiler Mailbox Table of Contents",
      "UTTypeIconFile": "MailboxTableOfContents.icns",
      "UTTypeIdentifier": "com.c-command.eaglefiler.mail.toc",
      "UTTypeTagSpecification": {
        "": [
        "public.filename-extension": [
      "UTTypeConformsTo": [
      "UTTypeDescription": "EagleFiler Index",
      "UTTypeIconFile": "Index.icns",
      "UTTypeIdentifier": "com.c-command.eaglefiler.index",
      "UTTypeTagSpecification": {
        "": [
        "public.filename-extension": [
      "UTTypeConformsTo": [
      "UTTypeDescription": "Mailbox",
      "UTTypeIconFile": "mailbox.icns",
      "UTTypeIdentifier": "com.c-command.mbox",
      "UTTypeTagSpecification": {
        "public.filename-extension": [
Full Meta Details
  "fileSize": 0.0751190185546875,
  "architectures": [
      "bits": "64-bit",
      "fileType": "Demand Paged Executable File",
      "header": {
        "magic": 3489328638,
        "cputype": 7,
        "cpusubtype": 3,
        "filetype": 2,
        "ncmds": 17,
        "sizeofcmds": 1952,
        "flags": [
          "The object file has no undefined references and is executable.",
          "The object file is the input for the dynamic linker and can not be staticly link edited again.",
        "reserved": 0
      "loadCommandsInfo": [
          "description": 4277009103,
          "size": 3,
          "offset": " 0x0"
          "description": "Symbol segment command",
          "size": 17,
          "offset": " 0x8"
          "description": "Routines Load Command",
          "size": 131205,
          "offset": " 0x10"
          "description": 131205,
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          "offset": " 0x18"
          "description": "64-bits Segment Load Command",
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      "magic": "cffaedfe",
      "offset": "0",
      "processorSubType": 3,
      "processorType": "X86"
Report Update