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"NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription": "Find Any File needs access to this in order to be able to search its contents.", "NSPrincipalClass": "Application", "NSRemindersUsageDescription": "Find Any File needs access to this in order to be able to search its contents.", "NSServices": [ { "NSMenuItem": { "default": "FAF: Find Name" }, "NSMessage": "findByName", "NSPortName": "Find Any File", "NSRequiredContext": {}, "NSReturnTypes": [], "NSSendTypes": [ "NSStringPboardType" ] }, { "NSMenuItem": { "default": "FAF: Search Folder(s)" }, "NSMessage": "findInside", "NSPortName": "Find Any File", "NSRequiredContext": { "NSTextContent": "FilePath" }, "NSReturnTypes": [], "NSSendTypes": [ "NSFilenamesPboardType" ] } ], "NSSupportsAutomaticGraphicsSwitching": true, "NSUserNotificationAlertStyle": "alert", "SMPrivilegedExecutables": { "org.tempel.findanyfile.helper": "identifier \"org.tempel.findanyfile.helper\"" }, "SUPublicDSAKeyFile": "dsa_pub.pem", "SUPublicEDKey": 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