Does MuMuPlayer Pro work on Apple Silicon?

✅ Yes, Native Apple Silicon Support reported as of v1.5.1

May also be known as MuMuPlayer Pro or Netease Mumu Nemux-global

📚 Bundle Version History


✅ Yes, Native Apple Silicon Support
🖥 Supported Architectures ARM
Full Info Plist
  "BuildMachineOSBuild": "22G74",
  "CFBundleDevelopmentRegion": "en",
  "CFBundleDisplayName": "MuMuPlayer Pro",
  "CFBundleDocumentTypes": [
      "CFBundleTypeExtensions": [
      "CFBundleTypeIconFile": "gmad.icns",
      "CFBundleTypeName": "MuMuPlayer Pro Android Device",
      "CFBundleTypeRole": "Editor",
      "LSHandlerRank": "Owner",
      "LSItemContentTypes": [
  "CFBundleExecutable": "MuMuPlayer Pro",
  "CFBundleIconFile": "AppIcon",
  "CFBundleIconName": "AppIcon",
  "CFBundleIdentifier": "com.netease.mumu.nemux-global",
  "CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion": "6.0",
  "CFBundleName": "MuMuPlayer Pro",
  "CFBundlePackageType": "APPL",
  "CFBundleShortVersionString": "1.5.1",
  "CFBundleSupportedPlatforms": [
  "CFBundleURLTypes": [
      "CFBundleTypeRole": "Editor",
      "CFBundleURLName": "com.googleusercontent.apps.671437141166-5qmv7gd7bopitsumhf524mkcvb5uerdi",
      "CFBundleURLSchemes": [
  "CFBundleVersion": "2092",
  "DTCompiler": "",
  "DTPlatformBuild": "",
  "DTPlatformName": "macosx",
  "DTPlatformVersion": "14.2",
  "DTSDKBuild": "23C53",
  "DTSDKName": "macosx14.2",
  "DTXcode": "1510",
  "DTXcodeBuild": "15C65",
  "GIDClientID": "",
  "LSHasLocalizedDisplayName": "YEs",
  "LSMinimumSystemVersion": "11.0",
  "NSAppTransportSecurity": {
    "NSAllowsArbitraryLoads": true
  "NSAppleEventsUsageDescription": "MuMu模拟器Pro需要使用“终端”提供ADB shell",
  "NSCameraUsageDescription": "MuMu模拟器Pro需要使用摄像头提供拍照功能",
  "NSHumanReadableCopyright": "Copyright © 2024 netease. All rights reserved.",
  "NSLocationUsageDescription": "MuMu模拟器Pro需要获取位置信息提供定位功能",
  "NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription": "MuMu模拟器Pro需要获取位置信息提供定位功能",
  "NSMicrophoneUsageDescription": "MuMu模拟器Pro需要使用麦克风提供录音功能",
  "UTExportedTypeDeclarations": [
      "UTTypeConformsTo": [
      "UTTypeDescription": "MuMuPlayer Pro Android Device",
      "UTTypeIconFile": "gmad.icns",
      "UTTypeIdentifier": "com.netease.mumu.gmad",
      "UTTypeTagSpecification": {
        "public.filename-extension": [
Full Meta Details
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          "The object file has no undefined references and is executable.",
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      "processorSubType": "all",
      "processorType": "ARM"
Report Update