๐ถ App has not yet been reported to be native to Apple Silicon
๐ฅ Supported Architectures X86
Full Info Plist
"AppIdentifierPrefix": "com.syncmate",
"BuildMachineOSBuild": "19A602",
"CFBundleDevelopmentRegion": "en",
"CFBundleExecutable": "SyncMate",
"CFBundleIconFile": "sm.icns",
"CFBundleIdentifier": "com.eltima.SyncMate",
"CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion": "6.0",
"CFBundleName": "SyncMate",
"CFBundlePackageType": "APPL",
"CFBundleShortVersionString": "8.0",
"CFBundleSignature": "????",
"CFBundleSupportedPlatforms": [
"CFBundleURLTypes": [
"CFBundleURLName": "Dropbox SDK",
"CFBundleURLSchemes": [
"CFBundleVersion": "8.0.469",
"DTCompiler": "com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0",
"DTPlatformBuild": "11A1027",
"DTPlatformVersion": "GM",
"DTSDKBuild": "19A547",
"DTSDKName": "macosx10.15",
"DTXcode": "1110",
"DTXcodeBuild": "11A1027",
"FRFeedbackReporter.defaultSender": "firstEmail",
"FRFeedbackReporter.sendDetailsIsOptional": "NO",
"FRFeedbackReporter.targetURL": "https://feedback.electronic.us/emailstore/submit.php?application=%@",
"LSMinimumSystemVersion": "10.9",
"NSAppTransportSecurity": {
"NSAllowsArbitraryLoads": true
"NSAppleEventsUsageDescription": "SyncMate needs to control other applications to run.",
"NSAppleMusicUsageDescription": "SyncMate needs access to your media to run.",
"NSCalendarsUsageDescription": "SyncMate needs access to your calendars to run.",
"NSContactsUsageDescription": "SyncMate needs access to your contacts to run.",
"NSHumanReadableCopyright": "ยฉ 2019 Electronic Team, Inc. All rights reserved.",
"NSMainNibFile": "MainMenu",
"NSNetworkVolumesUsageDescription": "SyncMate needs access to your network volumes to run.",
"NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription": "SyncMate needs access to your photos to run.",
"NSPrincipalClass": "FRExceptionReportingApplication",
"NSRemindersUsageDescription": "SyncMate needs access to your reminders to run.",
"NSRemovableVolumesUsageDescription": "SyncMate needs access to your removable volumes to run.",
"NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance": "YES",
"NSSystemAdministrationUsageDescription": "SyncMate needs access to administer this system to run.",
"SUFeedURL": "https://cdn.electronic.us/products/syncmate/mac/update/syncmate6.xml",
"kTCCServiceMediaLibrary": "SyncMate needs access to your music to run."
Full Meta Details
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"flags": [
"The object file has no undefined references and is executable.",
"The object file is the input for the dynamic linker and can not be staticly link edited again.",
"reserved": 0
"loadCommandsInfo": [
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"description": 524291,
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"description": 57,
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"description": 131205,
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"description": 1095786335,
"size": 20306,
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"description": 0,
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"description": 0,
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"description": 110080,
"size": 5,
"offset": " 0x98"
"description": "UNIX Thread command",
"size": 12,
"offset": " 0xa0"
"description": "Dynamically linked shared library identification command",
"size": 1702125407,
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"description": 0,
"size": 1163157343,
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"description": 0,
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"processorSubType": 3,
"processorType": "X86"