Does Ultimate Guitar - Chords & Tabs work on Apple Silicon?

๐Ÿ”ถ App has not yet been reported to be native to Apple Silicon

May also be known as Ultimate Guitar - Chords & Tabs or Maccatalyst Ultimateguitar Tabs100

๐Ÿ“š Bundle Version History

๐Ÿ”ถ App has not yet been reported to be native to Apple Silicon
๐Ÿ–ฅ Supported Architectures X86
Full Info Plist
  "BuildMachineOSBuild": "19A582a",
  "CFBundleDevelopmentRegion": "en",
  "CFBundleDisplayName": "Ultimate Guitar - Chords & Tabs",
  "CFBundleExecutable": "Ultimate Guitar - Chords & Tabs",
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  "CFBundleIdentifier": "",
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  "CFBundleName": "Ultimate Guitar - Chords & Tabs",
  "CFBundlePackageType": "APPL",
  "CFBundleShortVersionString": "1.0.0",
  "CFBundleSignature": "????",
  "CFBundleSupportedPlatforms": [
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  "DTSDKName": "macosx10.15",
  "DTXcode": "1100",
  "DTXcodeBuild": "11A419c",
  "Fabric": {
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    "Kits": [
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          "branch_key": "key_live_cciZ196yYjgQ8nvX5zQVkfebFykME2C0"
        "KitName": "Branch"
        "KitInfo": {},
        "KitName": "Crashlytics"
  "FacebookAppID": "539490962762175",
  "FacebookUrlSchemeSuffix": "ugtios",
  "GADApplicationIdentifier": "ca-app-pub-2956473600792339~4776262693",
  "ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption": false,
  "LSApplicationCategoryType": "",
  "LSApplicationQueriesSchemes": [
  "LSMinimumSystemVersion": "10.15",
  "NSAppTransportSecurity": {
    "NSExceptionDomains": {
      "": {
        "NSExceptionRequiresForwardSecrecy": false,
        "NSIncludesSubdomains": true
  "NSAppleMusicUsageDescription": "This lets you open songs in the Apple Music and find tabs for them.",
  "NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription": "UG bluetooth access",
  "NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription": "This app requires Bluetooth to connect to your hardware",
  "NSCalendarsUsageDescription": "UG calendars access",
  "NSCameraUsageDescription": "to record your shots",
  "NSContactsUsageDescription": "UG Calendar usage access",
  "NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription": "Would like to use the location for better ad targeting",
  "NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription": "Would like to use the location for better ad targeting",
  "NSMicrophoneUsageDescription": "This will let you connect your guitar through external devices and use a built-in-tuner.",
  "NSMotionUsageDescription": "UG motion access",
  "NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription": "To save images to your photo library",
  "NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription": "UG speech access",
  "NSSupportsAutomaticTermination": true,
  "NSSupportsSuddenTermination": true,
  "NSUserActivityTypes": [
  "OneSignal_disable_badge_clearing": true,
  "UIAppFonts": [
    "Anonumous Pro.ttf",
    "CPMono_v07 Light.otf",
  "UIDeviceFamily": [
  "UILaunchStoryboardName": "LaunchScreen",
  "UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities": [
  "UIRequiresFullScreen": false,
  "UIRequiresPersistentWiFi": true,
  "UIStatusBarHidden": false,
  "UIStatusBarStyle": "UIStatusBarStyleLightContent",
  "UISupportedInterfaceOrientations": [
  "UISupportedInterfaceOrientations~ipad": [
  "UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance": false,
  "branch_app_domain": ""
Full Meta Details
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          "The object file has no undefined references and is executable.",
          "The object file is the input for the dynamic linker and can not be staticly link edited again.",
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Report Update