runs well
๐ฅ 2560 ร 1600
โ๏ธ Resolution: 2560 ร 1600 (60 Hz) Reflections: ON Texture quality: HIGH Shadow quality: HIGH (Not High (Smooth) as I found that drops the FPS by about 10 fps on average) Physics: HIGH Clutter density: HIGH Antialiasing: OFF Diablo 3 still has dock issues though. It's a software issue from Blizzard I think. The dock will disappear during the game and even after you exit the game. You need to open Spotlight to go into System Preferences and then go to the Dock & Menu Bar, click on and off the "Automatically hide the dock" and then change position of where the dock is supposed to be (Left, bottom, right) for it to appear again.
Unable to launch
๐ฅ 2560 ร 1600